Nine is a magical number. Nine punishments distributed in nines only enhances the magic!
9 hours in a cage.
90 minutes in hood, gagged and chained to the wall.
9 days in spiked chastity.
90 days without orgasm.
900 word essay on achieving Gynarchy through femdom.
9 suggestions for future punishments.
9 humiliating pictures.
9 weeks of fasting on Sunday.
9 strokes across the thighs with belt.
9 needles placed through your flesh.
9 minutes chained naked outside in the cold.
9 repeats. Select one of the above punishments and repeat it nine times.
Alternative nines;
9 tributes for Goddess’s full moon altar.
90 strokes with a cat-o-nine-tails.
90 minute of an ‘open to the public’ Zoom meeting where you simply repeat the mantra, “I worship all women, I obey all women”.
And what are your ideas? Inquiring minds want to know!
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