This post is directed to women.
Do you own a bidet? Is your toilet equipped with this joy of modern tech?
If your answer is no, please, please, please check out the link at the end of this article. Avail yourself of some good male service and get one installed immediately for what I guarantee will be your pleasure! The sooner you feel it’s warm wetness gently lapping your asshole, the sooner you will know it’s true – “Once you bidet, there’s no other way!”
If you’re ‘green’ and concerned about our planet as most modern women (and too few men) are, close your eyes while you indulge in this hedonistic, erotic pleasure, content in the knowledge that you will use far less toilet paper in the process, saving one of Goddess’ beautiful creations – trees!
It is such a gentle way to clean your asshole and your most divine bits! No handful of rough harsh paper dragging away at our most holy feminine regions, no worries about bits of paper stuck here or there!
Please believe me and try it for yourself. Heaven awaits you!
In fairness, this pinnacle of man’s ingenuity does lack in certain aspects. I would only be fair in telling you. Even the most expensive, well accessorized bidet cannot moan beneath you, sending delightful vibrations to your nether regions. And you simply can not get a sense of ultimate power as you bear down on it, depriving it of breath – feeling it start to squirm in panic, wondering if your pleasure is more important to you than it’s very life!
And sadly… it cannot beg. It can’t beg you for the pleasure of being your ass-worshipper, nor can it beg for mercy when you get… uhmmm… too rambunctious, shall we say.
It cannot look up at your in awe and adoration. Showing its unbridled passion for you and you alone.
But still… it’s pretty good. Try it! You’ll like it!
Shop your future pleasure bidet now!
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