
A while back I had posted some ideas for my fellow male on how to be of better service to women and only to discover it was quoted in Modern Gynarchy Magazine! I am so thrilled that my words where deemed worthy of repeating. Thank you Ms. Kimberly Meadows and MGM!

I want to say I am only a better man for the hard work of two women, my wife Suzanne SxySadist and Goddess Viola Voltairine, both of whom expect much of me and without whose diligent training I would not be the best submissive male I can be.

book cover

Renown author of ‘150 years of Gynarchy‘ and famed director/producer of the up-coming movie adaptation of Renee Lane’s book ‘Finding Love through Female Domination’, I cannot recommend Goddess Voltairine’s course Obedient Love for submissive males enough.

If you are a submissive male looking to become a more useful, wanted slave to women, take the leap and sign-up for her training now!

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