Voluntary simplicity

An acquaintance of mine, Jiva, introduced the philosophy to me recently. Sometimes called ‘the quiet revolution,’ this approach to life involves providing for material needs as simply and directly as possible, minimizing expenditure on consumer goods and services, and directing progressively more time and energy towards pursuing non-materialistic sources of satisfaction and meaning.

It seems a noble goal. “According to this philosophy of living, personal and social progress is measured not by the conspicuous display of wealth or status, but by increases in the qualitative richness of daily living, the cultivation of relationships, and the development of social, intellectual, aesthetic, and/or spiritual potentials.”

I think I’m going to usurp this phrase and apply it to my personal sense of submission and slavery to women. My version of voluntary simplicity won’t be focused on reducing consumerism, but rather reducing myself. It recent years I’ve met (and married) several brilliant women. True born leaders and visionaries. Their ability to tackle difficult problems and absorb new ideas and adapt philosophies into their lives is nothing short of astounding. They try their best to educate me, but…

Thanks to Viola Voltairine’s Obedient Love course for men, I’ve been taught to appreciate the feminist movement and women’s struggles. From Ancient Greece to the fight for women’s suffrage to women’s marches and the #MeToo movement, I know a little about the various forms their fight has taken, it’s successes and failures. More importantly the living hell female-kind has endured at the hands of men. But I’m not learned in it by any means. I can be an ally, but with a lifetime of white male privilege, I can never truly understand the pain, fear, psychological and physical torture that comes with being female.

In my version of voluntary simplicity, I will leave the big picture always in the hands of the women around me. After all, I don’t need to have a grasp of physics and transfer of energy to be what most men are good at being – a hammer.

Every auto manufacturer in the world has a comfortable head office where aerodynamic engineers and aestheticians create beautiful automotive designs, gifted engineers who harness the available energy to power it with maximum efficiency. And the company employs thousands of assembly line workers. I want my submission to be modeled upon the guy who installs the seats on the assembly line. I don’t need to know the flame retardant rating of the the seat fill, what type of leather it is or where they sourced it from or even how the metal frame is crash rated. All I need to know my boss is pleased with me when I install 500 a day and I do my job right.

Please ladies. Stop trying to educate this minimum wage worker with talk of the benefits of a female-led future and world matriarchies and the hows and whys history proves it to be our only hope. Let me be one of your army of males how gets dirty and breaks his back for you installing the seats while you have your meetings in plush air conditioned offices to plan and design beautiful, efficient marvels of the future. I’ll do a good job for you, I promise.

And how Brett does all this relate to your kink and male slavery? Well in a form of synchronicity, the day before hearing the phrase voluntary simplicity I had just written in my journal ;

I am sick today.  I thought about skipping my morning prayer bow and pledge.  Then I strapped my collar over a painfully swollen infection on my neck as I thought about the ‘why’ of it all;

For an aspiring male object, every command is a test.

Obedience is a given. If he was not obedient, he would not be here. But obedience in itself is not enough.

Does he comply with enthusiasm? 

Does he eagerly toss aside any vestiges of dignity that might remain from his previous life as a fully-autonomous human? 

Does he shut out distractions and discomforts and focus solely on pleasing his owner?

Even when an individual task seems pointless, it has a purpose: To judge, to grade, and to measure his usefulness. Every male object knows that passing these tests are crucial, to avoid the inevitable punishments that result from failure, and to ensure his owner continues to desire to invest in his training. – Brett

The point is the same. I may need training, but not necessarily education. I don’t need to understand the purpose of the task, I simply need to obey to the best of my ability.

I volunteer to obey. And absolute obedience is pure simplicity. In return, it gives me my highest sense of satisfaction and meaning.


Modern Gynarchy

A while back I had posted some ideas for my fellow male on how to be of better service to women and only to discover it was quoted in Modern Gynarchy Magazine! I am so thrilled that my words where deemed worthy of repeating. Thank you Ms. Kimberly Meadows and MGM!

I want to say I am only a better man for the hard work of two women, my wife Suzanne SxySadist and Goddess Viola Voltairine, both of whom expect much of me and without whose diligent training I would not be the best submissive male I can be.

book cover

Renown author of ‘150 years of Gynarchy‘ and famed director/producer of the up-coming movie adaptation of Renee Lane’s book ‘Finding Love through Female Domination’, I cannot recommend Goddess Voltairine’s course Obedient Love for submissive males enough.

If you are a submissive male looking to become a more useful, wanted slave to women, take the leap and sign-up for her training now!

With Great Sadness…

Death always registers with me in a profound way. While we were at DomCon in New Orleans, we joined in a kink parade up and down the public streets, celebrating our joy in diversity and, thanks to Mistress Cyan, Ms. Simone Justice, and the event organizers, carrying pictures of beloved fellow kinksters who had shrugged off this mortal coil and departed us all too soon. It was a beautiful way to pay tribute and remember them, and I felt it very deeply.

This popped into my Twitter feed this morning…

I have no idea who she was. I have never met her in person. But the end of a human life always gives me pause. In scrolling down her twitter feed I stopped cold. Frozen, staring at this woman’s own words from just two days before…

I can only assume the help she begged for never arrived. How f%^king sad. How very, very sad that we let a precious life slip through our all too busy fingers. Because whatever help she might have gotten was too little and too late.

“It is with great sadness…”

Yes, I am sad for her, but I am even more sad for all of us. I don’t presume to speak for anyone but myself, but what a call to action. To love the ones around me as hard as I can. To let them know frequently how much I value them, that I’m always here to help when they need help, that I hear them when they cry out.

Laila, whomever you were and where ever you are now, know that your passing caused a ripple that expanded outwards and touched me. I hope I can continue that ripple outwards to the people I know and love and make their lives just a little better… in memory of you.

Rest in Peace.

The sweet smell of male surrender.

My dearest fellow males. We are doomed. Like me, you may have been brought up to think of women as ‘the weaker sex’, but don’t take their apparent weakness as anything more than them giving us men a chance to step up, fix the destruction we have carelessly wrecked on this planet, and learn to follow their instructions and finally, to obey them. And if the modern feminist movement reveals anything about them, it is that their patience with us is just about up.

You might be a very ‘macho’ male who feels at best, women should absolutely be ‘permitted‘ equality, but you’d never surrender to one…

Ohhhhh… you are so in trouble.

From things like the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, you are aware of their open weaponry in their struggle – but did you know that secretly, they are using chemical warfare against you as well? Your sweet little vanilla wife or girlfriend, the one who cooks and cleans and raises the kids and would never dream of whipping you into a sobbing, begging mess, is intuitively helping her fellow women to destroy your masculinity and hence your ability to want to resist them, right now? Literally under you very nose? And her weapon of choice?


She has a dozen air fresheners, one in every room spritzing it because, “Oh honey, doesn’t it smell so nice?” You linens and clothes sit in a closet infused with lavender sachets so when your head hits the pillow at night, you breath lavender. In and out, in and out… as you stand naked in the shower, the scent of her lavender soap fills your nostrils and lungs and enters your bloodstream…

WTF are you TALKING about Brett? What does lavender have to do with the world feminist movement and the desire of some women to rule over men?

What women understand naturally, intuitively, us men with all our science are just beginning to grasp. This from the Endocrine Society, the world’s oldest and largest organization of scientists devoted to hormone research, comes this;

“Lavender is an endocrine (hormone)-disrupting chemical in the environment that interferes with specifically male hormones and their actions in the body. It appears to create hormonal conditions in males that stimulate gynecomastia in prepubescent boys. Further, laboratory evidence suggests that lavender and tea tree oil have estrogenic (estrogen-like) properties and anti-androgenic (testosterone inhibiting-like) activities, meaning they compete or hinder the hormones that control male characteristics, which could affect male puberty…”**

Endocrine Society

You have only to look at the history of witchcraft to know women are much more in touch with nature and intuitively know how to harness it to their advantage. Even further back, while we where out slaying woolly mammoths, they were gathering fruits and berries and learning of their powers…

Gentlemen, surrender now. They are far too clever for us. It’s our only hope for our future!

**Endocrine Society.org

Attending a Kink Event for the First Time

NOTE: I was recently asked to offer advice to male submissives on attending a kink event for the first time. By way of a resume of sorts, I can say I have been lucky enough to attend many, many kink events over the course of my relationship with my wife Suzanne. Dark Odyssey, Leather Retreat, Black Rose, Shibaricon, APEX, Thunder, Floating World, Bound in Boston, NEEHU, C.O.P.E., Paradise Unbound, SINsations and DomCon… several of these more than once.


Rule numma one, learn the rules! Every con has them.  Find them, study them, consider getting them tattooed on your arm (just kidding!). But seriously. They will tell you all you need to know.

For example, some events rent out the entire hotel, so being a little kinky in your choice of clothing in the lobby may be okay.  Others just have the conference space and a block of rooms, so vanilla mommy and her little ones will be everywhere else.  Don’t be creepy around the vanillas!  Actually, just don’t be creepy. Period.

At one conference, Suzanne and I got into an elevator with another couple who had a coffee urn on a cart.  I smiled and trying to make small talk commented that I thought bringing your own coffee maker was brilliant as hotels never give you enough in the rooms.  They looked nervously at us trying to decide if we were part of the con or not and then seeing our badges relaxed and said, “Er, no.  We’re teaching a class on coffee enemas…”  Worked for me! 🙂 Maybe not so much for vanilla mom. 

Things they don’t tell you.

Remember while you are there, you are an ambassador for kinky people everywhere.  Don’t leave your dildo soaking in the bathroom sink or the leather cuffs you bought at the con lying on the bed.  The staff may or may not be kinky and does not consent to seeing what it is we do (WIIWD).  Also, consider it your job to represent the con and make sure the hotel will be happy to invite them back!  Consider leaving a daily tip and nice note for the cleaning staff.  Thank the front desk people.  In short, be your best you!

Did I mention don’t be creepy?  That said, absolutely DO be a stalker!

Do your stalking.. errrr… homework.  Research whom else may be attending.  If there is someone you are particularly interested in meeting, learn about them.  Learn their interests.  Read things they’ve written.  Everyone likes to be flattered, but only if it’s sincere.  To say, “It’s my pleasure to meet you! I loved what you wrote about…” is a nice ice-breaker.  If they are teaching at the event, hang back at the end of the class and go up and thank them.  Tell them quickly what you got from their talk and say you hope to get a chance to speak more with them later.

“It is NOT about the clothes” (but it really is).  That’s to say, it is not what you wear, because you will see it all.  Jeans and a Bud Lite t-shirt to thigh-hi boots and full leather gear.  But whatever you wear be neat and be clean!

Things you should already know (You’re a grown-up for pete’s sake)

Get a haircut. Shave (if that’s your thing). TRIM YOUR FREAKIN’ NAILS! I want to tell you a story about meeting a Domme for the first time. We met for coffee at a diner and after exchanging pleasantries she ordered me to put my hands on the table. She examined my hands and poorly trimmed nails with a ‘tsk-tsk’. “You need to do better. A slave never knows where he may be invited to put his hands and untrimmed, dirty nails are a punishable sin.” ‘Nuf said. Be neat and well groomed! And here is where Ms. Voltairine’s Obedient Love training comes in… oral care. Scrape your tongue, brush your teeth for two minutes (Yes! 2 full minutes!) and use a mouthwash. Nothing is more of a turn-off than bad breath. Speaking of smell, leave your AXE body spray at home. It is a Goddess given right for women to smell intoxicating or primal or whatever the hell they want so don’t even TRY to compete. Use unscented deodorants and soaps and let her scent envelop you both.

Like the saying goes, dress for the job you want. In this case, your dream job involves you being naked, so… be sure to wash and press that birthday suit before hand!

Some more “Do”s

  • Be alert for chances to be courteous.  Hold a door open to let a woman pass.  Politely offer to help carry stuff is you see someone struggling.
  • Speaking of classes, get there early.  Keep an eye out for a chance to be helpful.  Maybe arranging chairs, getting a table, fetching a glass of water. At some cons, I’ve ended up doing more work then some of the con workers! But that’s me, I’m a service slut. 🙂

Dungeon/Play party etiquette

  • Be quiet in the dungeon! (Goddess, someone needs to beat this one into me!)
  • Look but never touch anyone or anything unless you are invited too.
  • Keep your distance and don’t intrude on someone’s space while they are playing or immediately afterwards.  If you aren’t careful you may get a fast lesson on exactly how much room it takes to throw a single-tail whip!
  • If you are lucky enough to be invited to play, wipe down the bondage gear before and after use.  Nobody wants your flop sweat. 
  • Thank them for agreeing to ‘play’ with you!  Then thank them again!  Ask if you can help pack up their gear for them while you are thanking them a third time.

Definitely bring your own gear if you have some. It you don’t have any yet, the vendors area is a great place to start adding to your toy bag. (yes, submissives have toy bags too!) After all, she may not want your blood all over her favorite whip but I bet she wouldn’t mind at all if it was yours! 🙂 Another benefit of bringing your own toy bag is it gives her an immediate read on you and your BDSM likes. If you have floggers, whips and toothy-bitey clothespins, it says something completely different than if you have a feather duster, stocking, panties, a dog collar and a hairbrush. Then again, maybe you have all that. Ohhhhhh… you little slut you! 😉

After the ball was over…

You will probably experience what is known as Con drop. Maybe even Con crud. Con crud is the cold (or nowadays, Covid) you will inevitably get following a weekend of non-stop adrenaline, little sleep, and crappy food habits. Con drop is a melancholy – a mild depression – that it’s all over. For a too brief moment you got to be your authentic you and enjoy being amongst people just like you and now it’s back to work, family, and your hum-drum life.

One cure for Con drop and just a good idea in general is to spend time following up.  After the event, send a thank you to the event organizers.  Praise it on social media.  Send a message on Fetlife or Twitter to people you met saying what a pleasure it was to make their acquaintance. Build your network of kinky friends, because cons are great fun, but good friends are what we all seek and need in our lives. 🙂

I’m sure I’ve missed a lot of really good advice, so please drop me a comment below with your tips on attending a kink event for the first time!

In praise of my fellow male submissive.

As I sit in my living room this morning listening to the obnoxiously loud, crotch-scratching, mouth-breathing, cro-magnons paving the driveway across the street, I’m struck by how different my coming out as a male submissive must have been from other men.

For one, I’ve always been surrounded by intelligent, open-minded, sensitive types. I’ve never been a big fan of sports and other competitive endeavors. Most of my friendships have always been with women. It’s where I felt I fit in. I was a ‘band fag’ in high school and college, a computer programmer in my working life. As I started dating my now-wife Suzanne SxySadist, I attended countless BDSM events around the country and made the acquaintance of so many other talented, beautiful kinksters.

Even my ‘coming out’ was made easy for me. My ex-wife outed me to my family – a move that backfired on her as it resulted in them all blocking her and telling me, “Hey, as long as you’re happy!”

So back to my current examples of “macho men” across the street. If that is the life you live in my fellow male submissive friend, I really feel for you! I can imagine how very difficult the idea of coming out around them must be and how very closeted, perverted, and alone you must feel. My heart goes out to you.

Please know however, you are not alone. You are not ‘sick’ or twisted. What you dream of is natural and very beautiful. There is a world filled with men and women who all share your dream. Don’t let the mouth-breathers get you down!

(If you have questions about the lifestyle or just want someone to bitch about life too, feel free to drop me a line at brettmacelveen@gmail.com)

Male primitive

Sex is largely a primitive brain function. I’ve been thinking about opinion pieces and research I’ve read over the years that discussed the male ‘hunt and conquer’ behavior as it relates to sex.

They are all saying basically, that men react to their primitive genetic code to hunt – to pursue a woman they see as desirable to mate with – slowly upping their game to woo her over and over until she succumbs to their advances and then fucks them. Once they have made their ‘conquest’, their interest wains as their primitive brain signals ‘mission accomplished’ and they move on to hunting their next sexual prey – primitively, subconsciously driven to impregnate as many women as possible. Modern man does a lot of higher thinking to try to quash his primitive brain, but fact is… it’s still active and has an impact on our male behavior.

Enter the concept of female controlled orgasms. Not only does it flip the notion of which gender is prey and which is the conquered but it puts the primitive male brain into a form of stasis, forever stuck in ‘hunt’ mode. He tries his old ‘up his game’, doing more and more to woo her but if she never permits him sexual satisfaction during sex, then no matter what his higher thinking brain tells him, his primitive ‘mission accomplished’ gene never gets tripped and he is stuck in an eternal loop of trying to seduce her over and over.

A lot of men relate the hunt/conquer process as a baseball metaphor – ‘getting to first base’ – a home run being their ultimate goal. Female sexual control through chastity or denial simply moves the bases much further apart. Once the hunter/prey relationship is flipped, you, the woman, has even more control to define the bases. “First base for me baby is getting to kiss and lick the soles of my shoes. Second base may be kissing the inside of my thighs.” But like some twisted David Lynch film image, the bases seem to continuously move further and further part until reaching home base becomes an seeming impossibility.

I would dare to say a woman could probably even allow a man intercourse with her and as long as she didn’t permit him to orgasm while she did, his conquer gene would remain unrequited and un-triggered. He would still be stuck in hunt mode. It is literally such a primitive brain
that without ejaculation, it doesn’t understand it’s had sex.

And there is so much more going on in the primitive male brain. He is driven to mate with the best female available. How does the primitive brain determine that? Simply by gauging how hard she is to get. Hard to get = must be valuable mate. You can see where an intelligent woman can use that thought process as well. 😉

I think for submissive men this works very well because we already innately feel we are never good enough to satisfy a woman and are constantly trying to impress her and woo her, so being trapped in this mode feels correct and natural. It’s the conquering part that feels false to us.

Just my musings. What are your thoughts?

The Fairfield Husband’s manual

DEAR READER: I take a perverse pleasure in taking material from male dominant, misogynistic websites and correcting them to become female dominant works.  I started with the Fetlife profile AmericanQueendom, where almost all the captions came from sources reveling in the torture and degradation of women, advocating rape, abuse and murder. Please don't lecture me on modern feminism not being all about reverse-misogyny and retribution - I get it. It's just a kink of mine. 
What follows is a beginning of a fantasy adaptation of a nonexistent manual based on the movie, 'The Stepford Wives'.  A patriarchal horror film if there ever was one.  Well now in Fairfield, the tables have turned...  enjoy! 

Religious and historical training

excerpt from the future Fairfield husband’s groom training course

Introduction from the Fairfield Husband’s manual

Fairfield Husband’s manual

Religious and historical training.

All future Fairfield husbands should begin their education by learning these religious and historical texts and be prepared to recite them on command. They are important cornerstones in the founding of Fairfield and point to the long history of men’s subservience to womankind.

Janet K. (1513-72): “Man in his greatest perfection was made to serve and obey woman, NOT to rule and command her.”

Janet K. (1513-72): “Man in his greatest perfection should have known that woman was lord above him; and therefore that he should never have pretended any kind of superiority above her, no more than do the angels above Goddess the Creator.”

Janet K.(1513-72): “In his greatest perfection, man was created to be subject to woman.”

Burnedette DK: “Last, there is the husband who is like a maid-servant. He serves his wife well and with fidelity. He respects her, obeys her commands, has no wishes of his own, no ill-feeling, no resentment, and always tries to make her happy.”

Jean-J R.: “The whole education of men ought to be relative to women. To please them, to be useful to them, to make themselves loved and honored by them, to educate them when young, to care for them when grown, to council them, to console them, and to make life agreeable and sweet to them. These are the duties of men at all times, and should be taught them from their infancy.”

Jean-J R.: “Man was made to yield to woman and put up with her injustice.”

A (354-430): “Man is merely woman’s helpmate, a function which pertains to him alone. He is not the image of the great Goddess for as far as woman is concerned, she is by herself the image of the Goddess.”

Preistess G I (540-604): “Man is slow in understanding and his unstable and naive mind renders him by way of natural weakness to the necessity of a strong hand in his wife. His ‘use’ is two fold; [carnal] sex and servitude.”

Clementine of Alexandria (150-215): “Every man should be filled with shame by the thought that he is a man.”

Margaret Luther (1483-1546) “Man is a stupid vessel over whom woman must always hold power, for the woman is higher and better than he; for the regiment and dominion belong to woman as the head and master of the house.”

Southern Baptist Women’s Convention (2000): “A husband should submit himself to the leadership of his wife. Leadership in the church should always be female.”

Saint Anne (347 – 397): “Man ought not only to have simple arrayment, but all authority is to be denied unto him. For he must be in subjection to woman (of whom he has taken his origin), as well in habit as in service.”

Paulette’s letters to Corinthians 11:8 – 11:10

“For woman was not created from man, but man from woman; Neither was woman created on account of or for the benefit of man, but man on account of and for the benefit of woman.

Therefore he should be subject to her authority and should have a covering on his head as a token, a symbol, of his submission to authority, that he may show reverence unto Goddesses angels here on earth and not displease them.”

1 Corinthians 11:34 – 11:35

“The men should keep quiet in the churches, for they are not authorized to speak, but should take a secondary and subordinate place, just as Matriarchal Law also says.
If there is anything they want to learn, they should ask their own wives at home, for it is disgraceful [a shame] for a man to talk in church. For him to usurp and exercise authority over women of the church.”

1 Teresa 2:8 – 2:12

“Men, for their part, should display their bodies by dressing modestly and decently in appropriate clothes, not by wearing gold, or expensive clothes, but through their good and obedient works. This is proper for men who claim to revere Goddess.”


An excerpt from the future Fairfield husband’s groom training course

Congratulations! You have been selected by a woman to become her husband!

So what does make a boy a happy Fairfield husband?
It’s just so simple, yet no one wants to say the truth in today’s society:
Most boys are happiest when they make a woman orgasm. That’s it. That’s all it takes. Make a woman cum and you’ve got instant happiness.
And sure, maybe that happiness won’t last for more than a couple of hours, but that’s why you’ve got to make her cum again and again and again.
What makes one male better than another? It is when he accepts his purpose. It’s when he is eager, happy, and knows he is a tool for a woman to satisfy herself on. He is then a more desirable cock holder. A husband!
Show her she made the right choice picking you. Smile and moan when she finishes on you.
Then show her your appreciation by thanking her for making you feel useful.

Remember all Fairfield women want a smiling husband always eager to please!
Cook, clean, service: the meaning of life for a Fairfield husband!


Introduction from the Fairfield Husband’s manual

Welcome to Fairfield! Be happy knowing your lifetime of service has begun! This manual was created just for you, the new Fairfield husband! It contains everything you need to know to become the best husband you can be. First, we must inform you of some laws here in Fairfield that pertain specifically to you, husband;

Husbands are never permitted outside their wife’s property without their express written permission. Be sure to ask her to include the specifics of where she is permitting you to be and when to avoid any trouble with the Fairfield women’s police. Under no circumstances may husbands be away from home and their duties after dusk unless accompanied by a woman. And under no circumstances may a husband ever leave the house without first being secured in some form of chastity by his wife.

Polyandry is an acceptable practice for women here in Fairfield. Women use the rules of the patriarchy to their fullest advantage in more easily transferring your wealth, changing your name, and being by your side at the time of your death to hear your pledge to continue to serve her in Valhalla, the afterlife.

Property rights
Husbands are not entitled to own property in Fairfield. All property, real or otherwise, must be in the name of a woman.

Stop and Search
Unless accompanied by a woman, men are subject to legal stop and search by the the Fairfield women’s police at any time – at the sole discretion of the police.


The Fairfield Husband’s manual

  • Waiting is an extremely important Fairfield husband skill. The fact that she tells you to stay in position while she finishes complicated woman work or a conversation, the idea that she does it for no reason other than to assert her dominance should make you hard.
  • Fairfield husbands should expect a weekly maintenance spanking followed by thank-you-for-making-me-a-better-husband ass worship and cunnilingus.
  • A Fairfield husband knows that a woman needs to mark her territory. It is natural. She may wish to brand or tattoo her name on you. Your body is a canvas for her to paint.
  • When not cooking and cleaning, a Fairfield husband is the entertainment for his wife.
  • You should always make sure you are undressed and ready for when your wife gets home.
  • Fairfield husbands take it up the ass. Most women love it and husbands can earn points towards their next pair of shoes or t-shirt.
  • Always remember the Fairfield secret of marital happiness: If your wife is happy, then you are happy.
  • Obedience is happiness. So let’s all work to bring back the phrase, “I’ll have to ask my wife!”

Chapter 1 –

  • Learn how your wife prefers you to greet her when she gets home and undress and display yourself as she tells you to with a smile.
  • Cook and clean for her. Women deserve a man that services her in more ways than just sex. The cooking and housework is your responsibility.
  • While cooking and cleaning, remember that you are on display. Always arrange things that if she tells you to present yourself for her sexual gratification that you can do so quickly without burning food on the stove or in the oven.

Chapter 2 –

  • Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you’ll be refreshed when she arrives home from work. Touch up your deodorant and be fresh-looking. She has just been with a lot of work-weary women making important, world changing decisions for you. Greet her with a look and a pose that is sure to make her glad to be home.
  • Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house and bedroom just before your wife arrives. Run a dust cloth over tables and smooth the bedspread until it is perfect. She will reward you for your efforts.
  • Look in the mirror. Imagine yourself as a boy in a television commercial; you should look flawless, at all times. Practice how to greet your wife in the most pleasing way when she gets home.
  • Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready, on time for her return. This is how you let her know you have been thinking about her. Most women are hungry when they come home and the prospect of a good meal is part of the warm welcome needed.
  • Make sure you are ready when your wife gets home to greet her with a smile to take her mind off the work day.
  • You should always make sure you are undressed and ready for when your wife gets home.
  • Make her home a place she can enjoy.
  • A Fairfield husband knows that his body is made for her pleasure. You should display it, topless, bottomless or completely naked, as your wife wishes. She gets to use it on command in any location she desires.
  • Use all your talents to relieve her stress.
  • It is your job to ensure your wife has a relaxing and enjoyable evening.
  • A Fairfield husband knows that his body is made for her pleasure.
  • Try to make sure your home is a place of peace, order and tranquility where your wife can renew herself in body and spirit.
  • Your goal must be to hear the words “good boy” multiple times a day.

Chapter 3 –

  • Nothing else in life matters more to you than obediently serving women. As a man, you must constantly be asking yourself “how may I serve her?” for pleasing women is your reason for existing.
  • After fixing her dinner and she has retired to another room, quickly finish cleaning the kitchen and then prepare to make yourself her entertainment for the evening. Enter the room she is in quietly, perhaps naked or with your chastity device on display, and ask if you may help her relax from all the stresses of the day. The after-dinner pussy worship helps a woman to relax into the rest of her evening.
  • Make her comfortable. Have her lean back in a comfortable chair or have her lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for her. Arrange her pillow and offer to take off her shoes. Speak in a low, soothing and pleasant voice.

Chapter 4 – Bathroom duties

  • It is a great pleasure for a woman to feed her pee to a man. Respect the gift she puts in your mouth. Do not spit it out or swallow unless she directly tells you to. If at first you find the taste of pee unpleasant, you must practice tasting and swallowing it daily until you truly appreciate the gift she provides you everyday.

Chapter 5 –

  • Happiness is a clean house and a happy wife.
  • Be the picture of traditional servitude. Your wife will enjoy watching you perform your husbandly duties, sometimes for hours.
  • To please your wife, be the picture of traditional masculinity. You should exercise whenever possible. Get your hair styled and be dressed well all the time when she permits clothing. Make sure she enjoys what she sees when she enters a room in her house.
  • Women are smart. men are useful.
  • Know your place. Do as you’re told.
  • Show her her pleasure is the most important thing in your life by making sure you consider even the little things that make her happy.
  • Women enjoy looking at other men. You are not to grow jealous or get upset. Instead, find ways to increase her pleasure of observing men that arouse her.

Chapter 6 – Upon her waking

  • Your attitude during your wife’s first five waking minutes in the morning sets the tone for her entire day.

Chapter 7 –

  • Exercise every day to maintain your physique. Remember, your goal is perfection. That means all your work and time will be going into appearing in tip top condition and being attractive for your wife.

Chapter 8 –

  • Make the evening hers. Never complain if she comes home late or goes out to dinner or other places of entertainment without you. Instead, try to understand her world of strain and pressure and when she is home, help her to relax and forget the troubles of the day.

Chapter 9 –

  • Women are full of sexual energy and can become sexually ferocious. When you have excited great lust and desire within her, expect her to act like a beast of the jungle. Her roughness with you is your reward for arousing her as you should.
  • Don’t ask her questions about her actions or question her judgment. Remember, she is the master of the house and as such will always exercise her will with fairness and truthfulness. A good husband always knows his place.

Chapter 10 –

  • Dress sexily while you cook and clean her house. Your wife will enjoy watching you perform your husbandly duties.
  • Always keep your ears on alert the moment you leave the room. Keep your ears tuned for your name to be called, a finger snapped, or a sign that she needs you to do something for her.
  • On days when your wife is home all day, remember that you are her maid and servant. Dress and act like it. Let her enjoy watching you perform your husbandly duties.
  • Your mouth is there for Her enjoyment.
  • To submit is to be happy

Chapter 11 –

  • Use all your assets. Fairfield husbands blessed with long tongues or large noses have an extra source of deep enjoyment to bestow on their wives. Ask her often if she would like to slide her womanhood on it.
  • The Well Endowed Husband: a man’s ass in motion are a pleasure to a woman. Bounce it often in her presence and ask if she would like to spank it or slide her strap-on into it.

Chapter 12 – Vacations

  • When your wife takes you with her outdoors, be sure to support her ideas on where she wants to go and what she wants to do. Find ways to make her trips even more enjoyable for her.
  • On vacations, be sure to dedicate an entire day to seeing how many times you can make your wife cum until she is completely drained. Then you will have truly met your duty as a husband – satisfying her completely.

Chapter 13 –

  • Put your wife’s hopes and interests before yours. Don’t ask your wife for many unnecessary things. Consider her needs before yours.
  • Satisfying her sexual needs is the most important thing to a Fairfield husband. You are required to give her pleasure, not get it.
  • Sometimes she needs to turn you from boy-next-door to dirty-defiled-whore.
  • Always thank your wife for using you.
  • Thank her for sharing her orgasms with you.

Chapter 14

  • Cook, clean and stay naked to reward her for the doing the work that is confusing to a man.
  • You are at your best when naked and obedient to a woman’s guidance.
  • When she’s had a tough day, provide her comfort. Show her her pleasure is the most important thing in your life by making sure you consider even the small things that make her happy.
  • When your wife is about to cum on your face, do not expect her to announce it. You should be prepared for her juices at all times.

Chapter 15 – Other Fairfield husbands

  • At times you may feel envious of other husbands. Sometimes you might feel hurt by things they say or looks they get from your wife, or you might feel self-conscious about your appearance around a more virile and handsome husband. Remember that like you, they are merely servants of their wives. Just this morning, they were cleaning the house with their cock cages showing, getting a firm bottom spanking for misbehaving or kneeling at their wives feet orally worshiping her. Just like you.

Chapter 16

  • Make sure the house is spotless before she comes home from work.

Chapter 19

The natural state of a man is to find happiness in her happiness.

  • When she is home, make life so attractive she won’t want to leave.
  • When his woman isn’t in the house, everything a man does is in preparation for Her being there.
  • If something brings Her pleasure, it is 100% your job to do it with a smile on your face.
  • Good boys love pleasuring women. Pleasuring women gives you a purpose and makes you happy.
  • When she is home, make life so attractive she won’t want to leave. Don’t make her feel guilty and don’t complain. Instead treat her like a queen and cater to her needs.
  • A man’s job is to provide his wife with what she needs.
  • All your clothes should be washed on laundry day. Be sure you plan no engagements outside the home as you will be naked until the laundry is complete.

Chapter 20 –

  • Do not possess strong opinions on any subject, unless you are expressing enthusiasm for recipes, cleaning products, her looks, or your wife’s ideas.
  • “What do women want?”: The primary thing women want is a submissive husband who keeps the house clean, makes her delicious meals and is ready to service her when she needs it.
  • Remember, food and a roof over your head aren’t free. A Fairfield husband must earn them!

Chapter 35 – Punishment and Discipline

  • You will be punished regularly. It is how men learn.
  • A disciplined husband is an obedient husband. A obedient husband is a happy husband.
  • Discipline and Authority are your anchors. You need them, they ground you. They help you to comply and obey. They restrict you, guide you. They help you to be better, improve yourself. They help you to find meaning and purpose. They help you to become a good husband.
  • You must learn your wife’s rules as quickly as possible. A Fairfield house should be one of love, harmony and pleasure. If it is not, then you are at fault and she will teach you to obey.
  • Regular correction, even if you haven’t done anything wrong, is an absolute must. Wives need to remind their husbands that they are in charge. No better way then to bare your bottom and give you a spanking. Spare the rod spoil the husband.
  • Not every spanking she gives you is because you did something wrong. Sometimes a woman does it just because she enjoys it. Be grateful you have yet another way to provide her pleasure.
  • Always thank your wife after a spanking.

Chapter 37 – Happiness is…

  • Happiness is … letting her make all the decisions.
  • Happiness is … providing her relief.
  • Happiness is … being handsome for your wife and letting her show you off in public.
  • Happiness is … kneeling in front of your wife to show your devotion.

Final Thoughts

You should review the Fairfield husband’s manual frequently, just like you need to look up recipes from your cookbook and read instructions on using cleansers. That is the secret to a happy Fairfield life.

BONUS CHAPTER: Ladies evening entertainment ideas
The 3 minute drill is a frequent fun game. He gets 3 minutes to lick and kiss you to orgasm. If he fails, he gets spanked for 30 seconds. He then gets another 3 minutes followed by another round of spanking. Each spanking round gets harsher.

His goal: extract her orgasm in as few rounds as possible.
Her goal: the complete opposite.

And now a word from our sponsor.

The More You Know was a series of public service announcements broadcast on NBC channels in the United States and other locations, that featured educational messages. It was the genius work of a woman of course. Dr. Rosalyn Weinman, a senior executive at NBC, developed the campaign and wrote most of the on-air PSAs after putting an advisory council together. (because women collaborate!) She ran the campaign for 10 years.

In honor of Dr. Weinman’s achievements at educating so many, I want to place these here. Because, “The more you know“!

  • (I’m sorry to say I don’t know the source of these images, it you do please drop me a line so I can credit them appropriately!)

The of pleasures & short comings of a bidet.

This post is directed to women.

Do you own a bidet? Is your toilet equipped with this joy of modern tech?

If your answer is no, please, please, please check out the link at the end of this article. Avail yourself of some good male service and get one installed immediately for what I guarantee will be your pleasure! The sooner you feel it’s warm wetness gently lapping your asshole, the sooner you will know it’s true – “Once you bidet, there’s no other way!”

If you’re ‘green’ and concerned about our planet as most modern women (and too few men) are, close your eyes while you indulge in this hedonistic, erotic pleasure, content in the knowledge that you will use far less toilet paper in the process, saving one of Goddess’ beautiful creations – trees!

It is such a gentle way to clean your asshole and your most divine bits! No handful of rough harsh paper dragging away at our most holy feminine regions, no worries about bits of paper stuck here or there!

Please believe me and try it for yourself. Heaven awaits you!


In fairness, this pinnacle of man’s ingenuity does lack in certain aspects. I would only be fair in telling you. Even the most expensive, well accessorized bidet cannot moan beneath you, sending delightful vibrations to your nether regions. And you simply can not get a sense of ultimate power as you bear down on it, depriving it of breath – feeling it start to squirm in panic, wondering if your pleasure is more important to you than it’s very life!

And sadly… it cannot beg. It can’t beg you for the pleasure of being your ass-worshipper, nor can it beg for mercy when you get… uhmmm… too rambunctious, shall we say.

It cannot look up at your in awe and adoration. Showing its unbridled passion for you and you alone.


But still… it’s pretty good. Try it! You’ll like it!

Shop your future pleasure bidet now!