SLAVE (noun) A.) a person who is the property of another and is forced to obey them. B.) a person who is completely subservient to a dominating influence C.) a device (such as the printer of a computer) that is directly responsive to another. D.) drudge, a toiler
Too many male objects live in a world of illusion. It can be a shock for them to see themselves as women see them, but in the end, it helps them to better understand and accept their place in female led society.
A mere glimpse is not enough. Long, slow hours watching themselves obey and suffer, crawling to kiss her shoe, bound and drooling on themselves through gagged mouths, humiliating insults written in lipstick across their forehead and chest, nipples painfully clamped. Their chastised cock dripping while they helplessly take an ass fucking: this creates an impression that burns deeply into their minds. It shows them what they really are.
For many, ‘sub’ is an abbreviation for submissive. For others it refers to a different breed of man, the ‘sub’human.
A subhuman is at peace with its reality. You have offered up all of yourself. Body, mind, soul, all of your life. And for nothing in return. Especially not for sexual gratification. Being owned is about expecting nothing, it is only about serving.
Your master owns you. Everything you do in life is now secondary to your service to her and will only be allowed to be pursued if she allows it. Your “he” pronoun should be replaced with “it.” You should begin to think of yourself and refer to yourself as “it” instead of “I.” Forget she has a name as well. To you she will always be “Ma’am”, “Master”, or “Goddess.”
If you have surrendered yourself to a sadist, she gets immense erotic pleasure from inflicting pain. Your job is to take whatever pain she wishes to dish out. She may allow others to enjoy inflicting pain upon you as well… Her pleasure is seeking out your suffering, you will be in extreme pain often. Her limits are now your limits.
When you’re not in use, you are stored in what will likely be a hot, cold, smelly, untidy, filthy place. This is where you will stay the majority of the time. You will have only the books she gives you to read, no laptop, no television, no phone. Nothing that isn’t specifically authorized by her, your Master. You will stare at its blank walls for the many hours you are not sleeping. And when it’s time to be used or worked, it won’t matter whether you were sleeping or not. Because as a ‘sub’human, your comfort no longer matters.
Unlike a BDSM sub who goes back to a ‘normal’ life once the scene is over, you know that your place is below that of humans and a ‘normal’ life isn’t yours to be led anymore. There is no return from your new existence.
Nevertheless, you have a useful function in society. Violent women hurt you so that they don’t hurt other people. You help her to show her best face to others because her worst face is reserved for you. Your servile and subhuman existence nurses her sadistic need to be superior to something. The function that you serve is one no human ever wants to. But a true ‘sub’human is at peace knowing that it has purpose and accepts its chains and takes the beatings, cuttings, burns, and suffocations gracefully, speaking the only human words it is still permitted to ever speak… ‘Thank you Goddess.’
If you are ever being considered by a sadistic, dominant woman who keeps a her own harem of men, you must ask yourself how far will you go to obey?
Your body, your sexual choices may no longer be your own. She will dictate them to you as it pleases her.
Orgasms will be few and far between and when permitted, she may make them as humiliating was possible – for her own amusement and for your continued debasement and psychological conditioning into absolute obedience and slavery to her.
The one who cums first gets punished while the winner pleasures me…Release day in the harem. You don’t deserve to touch a woman! Now hurry up. I have more important matters to attend to.
In his mind, at 20 and a virgin, he had received a calling to become a monk. As a novitiate, most of his time was spent in prayer, devotion, and working in the temple to serve the older monks. Under the watchful eye of the Mother Superior, his days were filled with cooking, cleaning, and prayer as he sought his relationship with the Dark Goddess – his higher power.
Attending services several times a week, he had been noticed by several of the Priestesses. Unaware of what was now in motion – with the help and guidance of his Mother Superior.
(While many don’t believe or truly understand, the Church itself is the originator of dominance and submission, discipline for multiple reasons, all designed to program one’s mind. For centuries it has been that way, the church controlling and deciding, as well as drinking in the power that they gave themselves by spreading the instructions of submission.)
The first time c38 (his monk name – given upon entering the service of the Church) was brought by Mother Superior to meet the Priestesses that her monastery served, it was under the auspices of his neglecting his work and not being pure in his prayers and worship.
The penance was simple. Bread and Water for five days – Praying and guidance with the Priestesses, and regular punishment – starting at that day.
Trembling and nervous, c38 was undressed completely in front of the women, and tied over was looked to be a large, wooden, polished, ornate sawhorse.
The four older priestesses each took their turn, using a leather strap or a long thin rod, whipping the young monk until he nearly passed out. This was to happen two times a week.
(The foundation of submission is the programming of the mind and the body.)
For several months the whipping, the exposure of his young body, the praying for his salvation before these women, pushing him to be more pure, was simply programming.
Always with the Mother Superior watching, the women continued their regular punishment of c38’s body, and then slowly it began.
Due to the intense pain of the whippings and canings, anything that lessened the pain became embraced by the body. Each Priestess, after her turn punishing him, would begin to take time, caressing his abused bottom, and letting their hands wander, touching, stroking, fingering.
Within several months, the punishment sessions began to show the fruit of his sexual confusion. The Priestesses now were finding that as he was tied for punishment, his body and mind was going to that place where the thoughts of pleasure overtook the fear of the pain, and soon they found that the young monk was fully aroused before the first stroke of punishment was given. They had brought him to the first level of sexual control.
Now the punishments were for him being un-chaste with his thoughts and body. Even though they had developed this reaction – it hit him hard, to undress, be tied, and to be made to explain why he was so hard. The shame and humiliation of being unable to explain why his body responded prior to punishment, was classical D/s psychological development.
Mother Superior explained to him that now it was time for him to begin thanking the Priestesses for their help in his salvation and guidance – the young monk was made to learn to use his mouth for the Priestesses pleasure.
Taught to learn by being whipped as he took one of them in his mouth – shamed when it became obvious how much harder he could please while the strap or rod struck him.
Eventually he was moved to the next level of serving the church with his body. Being told his virginity was to remain for the Goddess, there was but one place for the Priestesses to enjoy the young monk other then his mouth…
Per his Mother Superior’s instruction he was moved to the convent and now, several times a week at times, he would report to one of the Priestesses, and if not there for punishment and salvation, simply to remove his frock and wearing only the symbol of the Dark Goddess around his neck, submit to the Priestess for her needs, in one of the two ways ordained by the Goddess. He would remain a virgin, always chaste for the Goddess, and a tool of her Priestesses satisfaction forever… until death did he part.
Epilogue – The Mother Superior eventually put c38 to use in the woodworking shop at the convent, building furniture for the Priestesses rooms…
A – is for Alpha. It’s what all females are to you. (addl reading: ‘Our asses are for kissing! Learn to do it properly!’) B – is for Beta. That’s you, male. C – is for Control. It’s what we exert over you. D – is for Degradation. Expect a lot of it. E – is for Everything. It’s what you will surrender to us. F – is for Fuck. That’s also ours to control. G – is for Girl Power. Get used to it. H – is for Hers. Everything is Hers. I – Never say that again. Remember, there is no I in S-L-A-V-E. J – is for ‘Just Desserts’. As a male, you’ll be getting yours very soon! K – is for Kiss. Our Feet. Now! L – is for Lick. Get to it Mister! M – is for Male. The dangerous failure of our species. N – is for No. You’ll hear it a lot. Get used to it. O – is for Orgasm. You job is to give them, not get them! P – is for My Piss. Only if you beg hard enough. (see also; punishment and ‘pay for it’) Q – is for Queen. It’s what you will treat us as. R – is for Royalty. Treat all women like it. S – Spit. It’s our gift to you, you disgusting little pig. T – is for Torture. It turns me on. What can I say. U – are ours. Permanently. V – is for Vagina. It’s what rules your life now. W – is for Woman. It is spelled Y-O-U-R E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Learn it! X – is for X-frame. It’s what we’ll be strapping you to to beat you bloody. (see also; education) Y – is for Why. Never ask this of us! Z – is the sound you make when sleeping. You won’t be doing that much anymore. Now get back to work!
Life experience – and I’m differentiating here between experience and education or innate intelligence – can be a funny and wonderful thing and truly magnify even the smallest things in your life.
I was reminded of this because here on Discord and on Patreon, I see Ms. V. addressed in many different ways, the most common being Ms. Viola. I call her Goddess or Viola Devi if I’m trying to be more personal and intimate, but more on that in a bit.
It’s important to note here I am not suggesting whatever you call her is wrong! The only determiner of that is you and Ms. V. herself. I am just musing here and offering food for thought. There is no ‘you’re better then me/I’m better than you’ here. That kind of competition is very male. Stop reading things that way!
In my many travels I have almost exclusively been referred to as Mr. Brett by wait staff, concierges, hotel and cruise workers. Yes, I’m one of those curious and kind people who introduce themselves to staff and ask their names, but Brett is my first name, not my surname. I am actually Mr. MacElveen. Over time, it began to feel kind of a marker to me that I was in a third-world country and honestly, it felt almost affectionate. But call me a grammar nazi, persnickety or whatever you want but, Mr. or Ms. are honorifics typically followed by a surname. That’s the formal/respectful thing to do. If and when I refer to her as Ms., it is Ms. Voltairine. It just feels more respectful to me… less familiar than addressing her by her first name. Similarly, she has and will always be Ms. Lane to me, not Ms. Renee.
You can give me an explanation like “slaves on the plantation called their female masters by Ms. Sally and such, so to me it feels more submissive and slave-like.” And you know what? You’re right! Well, you’re right for you… that’s what works for you, she’s okay with it, rock on bro!
In my specific case I choose, and importantly she permits me to, call her Goddess.
So going back to life experiences, I have had a life full of deep spiritual experiences and I am deeply empathetic so I sense and feel… oh, let’s call them ‘High Powers’ to avoid gendering things… all around me. They are very important to me and they determine much of how I choose to live my life.
Aside from being attuned to these powers around me, I have had the experience of being a ‘split person’ and with compartmentalization of my emotions and thoughts thanks in part to my background as a professional musician and interestingly thanks to my being a recovering alcoholic. So when I first talked with Ms. Voltairine, I felt a divine power performing it’s will through her. And the more I read from her, I readily understood and fully believed that a human being could be both human and flawed and in the time and same body, be a divine being and a channel for her holy power. (Is it any wonder I flubbed my pledge when I finally found myself at her feet looking into hers eyes at Domcon!???)
You may be a skeptic. That’s perfectly okay. I’m still not sure I believe in UFOs and have my own opinions on ghosts. I only have the benefit of my life experiences to draw my conclusions from and since your life has been different than mine, of course you may see things differently.
She let’s me call her Goddess because I see her and she knows I see her. I worship the feminine divine in her.
Here is another small example of how my life experience changes the ways I see and interpret things. When I was in the middle east a long time ago, I learned that Phoenicia, translated as the ‘land of purple’ because they supplied the dye that was used by ancient royalty to denote… well, royalty. They had the Tyrian snail whose ink produced the dye. 12,000 snails where needed to dye a band denoting royal status onto a single Roman’s tunic. Interesting cocktail information, huh?
Going backwards many years when I learned primary colors, I learned purple was also made by combining blue and red. Again a symbol of royalty in ancient cultures because red (like blood) represented man and blue (like the sky) represented God. Royalty was the coming together of the human and the divine. Red/Blue = Purple.
Fast forward even more to when I first saw pictures of Goddess’ Chicago dungeon appointed in her favorite color… blue. Of course it would be blue. And the clients’ blood would provide the red. See how a simple fact like “she likes blue in her dungeon” can take on a whole different meaning thanks to things picked up over time?
Do I have a point to make here? Nope. I’m just ruminating on a snowy day and marveling at the fact that given we all have different experiences and knowledge it’s a wonder we can communicate at all. That’s why I’ve got such respect for people Like Ms. Voltairine and Ms. Lane who can speak to such a huge audience and actually get their point across! 🙂 Major props to these women!
A multi-part exploration of my path from my Christian, male image of God to the Feminine Divine.
In the beginning…
Imagine you’re an almighty being, Uhmmmm… God for instance, and you decide to create heaven and earth and all things therein.
To do so, you’d need to be a pretty smart cookie. Have a slightly better than PhD understanding of physics, quantum physics, biology, animal husbandry, fluid dynamics, celestial mechanics, molecular chemistry and well, just a plethora of other disciplines. The kind of smartness that leads your followers to say stuff like, “He works in mysterious ways”, which drives the non-followers nuts. But come on. Can you honestly explain without Googling it, spooky motion at a distance? (yes, it’s a thing) Soooo… you really think you can grasp the need for bad things happening to good people in an entire universe of inter-activity? Ever heard of the butterfly effect? Yeah. Pit your mind against Gods. That’ll be fun.
So anyway back to my hypothetical. You spent the better part of a week whipping up a universe, made heaven AND earth, populated it with all manner of critters, and finally came to your crowning achievement – humans.
Being the logical being your are (look at all this and tell me God isn’t logical. Even chaos has logic, which seems illogical, but God’s probably an amateur comedian on his off hours) do you;
A.) Create a male in your image and then give him a weaker being to support him? A being not as useful in hunting and dragging stuff back to the cave, fighting, lifting and building, who is a burden on his resources and in need of his physical strength and efforts to protect it?
B.) Create female in your image and give her a stronger servant – one that she can easily seduce and manipulate – in order to protect your most valuable, perfect incarnation of yourself?
Oh, I hear you already! But Brett, some women are stronger than men and, and, and… Yeah. That’s called deflection. It’s the tool unintelligent people use to avoid discussing things in the vein the presenter intended, but okay. Your playing a video game and one very pissed off Lionziod jumps out of the tree in front of you armed with a battle axe! Quick!! Pick your defender!!! The larger, heavier, more muscled male dressed in full body armor or the smaller, lighter, less muscled female scantily dressed in next to nothing? (It’s a video game after all) Seriously, you know what I meant when I said “stronger”.
If you still balk at believing female is God’s true image on earth, let’s look at some of the qualities of the feminine;
Collaborative. (more on this one later)
Sounds sort of like you’re describing a loving God, huh? So, if in fact woman is made in God’s image and man was her ‘suitable partner’, then Godd-ess is a far more apropos title don’t you think?